I now felt like the end was in sight eventually, I had been looking forward to this stage and as time was ticking I was keen to get on.
I fitted all the stainless steel handrails and the pushpit and pullpit, like most jobs this took a lot longer than I could ever have imagined. I made up lots of backing plates to spread the load from the inside. I also made the bowsprit from a piece of oak.
I then moved onto the electrics, all cabling was marine grade.
I painted the deck and cockpit with Kiwi Grip non slip paint.
I lifted the keel and lead bulbs onto the trailer, I bolted the lead bulbs together through the keel and then we lifted the boat up in the air and slid the trailer underneath her. I climbed inside the boat and we bolted the keel into position.
Once again my sister offered to come and help for the weekend, she applied two coats of antifoul paint to the boat.
I still have a long list of jobs to complete but for now she is finally ready to leave the shed and go into the water for a couple of weeks before I need to put her back on the trailer and head to Portugal.
Thanks to everybody who has helped me over the last 19 months with all stages of the build.